First Article on Medium

Mike Lehman
1 min readJan 10, 2021

Well, I had to call it something. It’s January 9, 2021. The riot in DC and the COVIED 19 pandemic are the two biggest stories in the news. And, what am I doing about it?

Probably the same thing you are… Nothing. I’m at home watching Netflix (or some other streaming service) and wondering what I’m going to do for dinner. (Steak, if you want to know.)

As this is my first article, my main topics will probably change. I’m thinking that my writings will be on the topic of nothing. Jerry Seinfeld was successful with a TV show about nothing, maybe I’ll be successful with articles on Medium about nothing.

I’ve already, probably, bored you. So, I’ll keep the article short. I will end it with a poem I wrote when I was nine years old. I’ve been told it’s not very good, but, hey. Remember. Nine year old wrote this:

“Cats are nice,
Nice and fluffy.
Haven’t a care,
Except to be happy”



Mike Lehman

I'm 51 and live in Houston. Currently a secretary at medium company. Own my own house and an electric car that gets only 80 miles per charge.